Sunday, December 30, 2007

Some people don't think before they put their mouth into gear

Well, today was the last Sunday of the year (2007). We went to church and in Sunday school the teacher asked us to reflect on time when the Savior was born and maybe how Mary, his mother and Joseph, his step - father was feeling at the time. Well, there was alot of discussion, because we live in a ward full of old people and many of them have alot to say about anything and everything, well, anyway I raised my hand to express (because I am one of those old people) how I thought that the trip to Bethlehem must have been very difficult for Mary being 9 mos pregnant and riding on a back of a Donkey and how I empathized. I was then...a brethren (kind of a big know it all brother in the gospel) interrupted me and said how he didn't want disagree with me but.....(here it comes) That it wasn't difficult for Mary because Donkeys were the mode of travel in those days and Joseph probably got a really special Donkey for the trip that rode really smooth!!!! WHAT?? Did the guy think before he put his know-it-all mouth in gear, really! Have you every heard of a smooth riding donkey? What I know is those animals take short little steps and it like riding on a pogo stick. I would think it is hard staying on a donkey if you would in the best of shape. It was so obvious that the old talker-talkerton man didn't have any idea what it was like to be pregnant or riding on a donkey. He went on to say, (by that time I knew he was full of it and he was just talking to hear himself but maybe he just didn't have his hearing aid on and really couldn't hear himself), how he thought that God had to make it easy for Mary, Oh brother! I know Mary was a very special human being and she was giving a very special task to do but easy???? I don't think so. Mary was a very special spiritual person having a very human and earthy experience. God just knew she could do and go through it all to fulfill her assignment.


Anonymous said...

AMEN!! He probably has never even seen his wife give birth. It was probably like a magical event, he was in the waiting room and magically he had a baby the next day. No big Whoop! Oh Brother!

dxeechick said...

HAHAHA if my husband ever said something like that, he'd have another thing coming!